Customer details:

Enterprise name
Person to contac and role
1 – Customer Service


Not satisfied at all Not satisfied Satisfied Very satisfied No aplicable NA
1.1 - Timetable telephonic attention
1.2 Facility of contacting us
1.3 Telephonic attention gentleness and efficiency
1.4 Technical information
1.5 Languages facility
1.6 Rapidity and clear Information on changes in the orders
1.7 Frequency of commercial contacts
1.8 Frequency of technical contacts
Evaluation with regard to our competitors in customer Service

2 - Product Quality / Service


Not satisfied at all Not satisfied Satisfied Very satisfied No aplicable NA
2.1 Fulfilment of delivery time
2.2 Technical attention and rapidity in solving claims
2.3 Flexibility in changing schedule
2.4 Reception of goods in appropiate conditions (packaging, labelling, etc.)
2.5 Fulfilment of specifications
Evaluation with regard to our competitors in Quality of product and service

3 - Quality of complementary services


Not satisfied at all Not satisfied Satisfied Very satisfied No aplicable NA
3.1 Professional level of sales staff
3.2 Professional level of technicians
3.3 Reception of technical documentation requested
3.4 Reception of administrative documentation requested
3.5 Attention paid in solving problems
3.6 Collaboration in new projects and developments
Evaluation with regard to our competitors in complementary services

Total evaluation of our Enterprise from 1 to 4: (-) evaluation (+): 1 2 3 4

General aspects of products and services

Strong points:

Aspects you suggest to improve: